Re-engagement Programme

Why do we offer a re-engagement programme? 

We understand that a neurodivergent child needs opportunities for autonomy to develop the creative side of their brain.  If they don’t get these opportunities in the primary years, their anxiety, often unspoken to begin with, increases and then there are more obvious signs of their higher levels of anxiety.  In our experience, these children want to be like all their peers and conform yet struggle because of their learning differences. They then develop a need to control and this can affect what they eat, hygiene, social activities, friendships, learning interests.  Without the identification of these needs these children will often show a fight or flight response, which often presents as a barrier to school attendance.

We begin by identifying the individual need, listen to the child and their parents and create a pathway to support their unmet need.  This may be through identification of their learning differences.  With this identification, it enables the child to feel heard and validated and then appropriately supported.

Raw Learning is proud that whilst our children can access only up to 49% of their education with us, their attendance becomes 100% in a very short space of time.  With the child’s timing at the heart of our conversations with parents, 70% of our children are re-engaged in other forms of education within a year.

Please email for further information.