
Raw Learning offers a Neurodiversity screening which helps to identify:
  • Dyscalculia
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
  • Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, including ADD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder/ Condition
  • Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) including speech and language difficulties
  • Tic Disorders (including Tourettes and Chronic tics)

We also offer screenings specifically for Dyslexia and ADHD.

What to expect when you come for a screening

Dyslexia – age 5-16. If you have any examples of free writing (without an adult sitting over you providing spellings and grammatical amendments) this would be helpful but not essential.

An example of the level of book your child is reading in school so we have pointers for discussion.

An example of your child’s usual handwriting also for discussion.

ADHD – You only need to bring yourself and/or your child. You will be expected to remain with your child throughout the test unless the screening professional discusses this prior to the test starting. If you wear glasses you will be asked to remove them (the objects are large so there are very few incidents when the objects cannot be seen)

If you have long hair that falls over your face, please bring a way of tying it back so that the camera can accurately read your rapid eye responses.

ND screening- you will be asked to complete a few short questionnaires prior to the appointment time. You will only be provided access to these following payment. Allow yourself the time to complete them ahead of the appointment. The appointment will usually be an hour in length. You will be signposted on after this time and in discussion with yourself before you leave. 

Screenings In Southend

Screenings In Welwyn Garden City